Gulf Jobs


Duties and responsibilities of a warehouse keeper

There are many responsibilities that fall on the shoulders of those who hold this job, which are as follows:

Monitor security issues and deal with any security violations.
Check monitoring devices, pay attention to any alarms and respond quickly to them.
Develop security plans that ensure the safety and security of property.
Providing implementable solutions to address emergency situations and circumstances with the least possible losses.
Detect any suspicious behavior while working.
Reporting security incidents when any assault occurs on the place and handing over the accused to the police.
Writing reports after performing and completing the work.
Early detection of any crimes before they occur.
Dealing with all emergency situations.
Discovering weaknesses or any security vulnerabilities that exist in the place and addressing them.
Guarding the place and preventing any stranger from entering the warehouses.
Stay alert and monitor what is going on at the work site.
Maintaining order inside the site and preventing any riot that may occur in the place.
Conduct continuous patrols around the site and secure the entrances and exits of the warehouse.

Warehouse keeper skills and qualifications

There are many skills that secretaries must possess to carry out their responsibilities to the fullest, as follows:

Must be well trained to deal with all circumstances, security needs and emergency situations.
A person’s ability to remain awake and conscious throughout his or her service period.
Having some personal qualities such as honesty, trustworthiness and integrity.
The person must be of good conduct and behavior.
Fitness, good health and good appearance.
Ability to deal with surveillance devices, computers, etc.
Ability to communicate well with others in writing and orally.
The ability to think quickly and make sound decisions.
He must be fully aware of all the regulations and rules of the company he works for.
Ability to work all night and work under pressure.
Attention to the smallest details and quick wit.
It is preferable to have a strong and leadership personality.
Good knowledge of the job site inside and out.

A warehouse keeper is required in Saudi Arabia. Send your CV here

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